
Worn Gear Operated General Valve

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Worn Gear Operated General Valve

Worn Gear Operated General Valve

This valve can greatly lease the working intension. It is widely used in city gas supplying pipeline,

Petroleum chemical pipeline and port storerooms oil supplying system areas.

1. H is the minimum space for changing valve slips;

2. F could be variable according to the different codes.

Application Temperature -500C~2000C
Operation Temperature -290C~1210C

1.6 Mpa

Nominal Diameter Operator A B C D D1 D2 n-Фd F E G H Weight (kg)
50 KG04J 726 400 153 165 125 99 4-Ф18 178 203 265 240 80 3/8' 48
65 KG04J 726 400 153 185 145 118 4-Ф18 190 222 265 240 80 3/8' 55
80 KG04J 726 400 153 200 160 132 8-Ф18 203 241 265 240 80 3/8' 53
100 KG05J 904 528 193 220 180 156 8-Ф18 229 305 265 350 125 1/2' 93
125 KG05J 933 538 206 250 210 184 8-Ф18 254 356 265 350 140 1/2' 108
150 KG05J 976 558 229 285 240 211 8-Ф22 287 394 265 400 280 1/2' 153
200 KG06J 1151 635 300 340 295 266 12-Ф22 292 457 265 450 300 1/2' 235
250 KG07J 1325 747 330 405 355 319 12-Ф26 330 533 315 450 355 1/2' 307
300 KG07J 1479 873 375 460 410 370 12-Ф26 356 610 315 450 405 1/2' 313
350 KG08J 1500 876 415 520 470 429 16-Ф26 381 686 370 500 480 1/2' 607
400 KG08J 1804 1042 470 580 525 480 16-Ф30 406 762 370 500 530 1/2' 738
450 KG08J 1664 967 405 640 585 548 20-Ф30 864 864 370 500 355 1/2' 1250
500 KG08J 1714 992 430 715 650 609 20-Ф33 914 914 370 500 430 1/2' 1396
600 KG010J 2285 1256 640 840 770 720 20-Ф36 1057 914 420 500 430 1/2' 1868

2.5 Mpa

Nominal Diameter Operator A B C D D1 D2 n-Фd E F G H Weight (kg)
50 KG04J 726 400 153 165 125 99 4-Ф18 265 230 250 80 3/8' 53
65 KG04J 726 400 153 185 145 118 8-Ф18 265 241 250 80 3/8' 62
80 KG04J 726 400 153 200 160 132 8-Ф18 265 283 250 80 3/8' 78
100 KG05J 904 528 193 235 190 156 8-Ф22 265 305 400 115 1/2' 110
125 KG06J 933 538 206 270 220 184 8-Ф26 265 400 400 200 1/2' 173
150 KG06J 976 558 229 300 250 211 8-Ф26 265 403 450 200 1/2' 183
200 KG07J 1151 635 300 360 310 274 12-Ф26 315 419 450 280 1/2' 283
250 KG07J 1320 795 315 425 370 330 12-Ф30 315 457 450 330 1/2' 400
300 KG08J 1610 925 420 485 430 389 16-Ф33 370 502 450 405 1/2' 687
350 KG08J 1480 875 370 555 490 448 16-Ф36 370 762 500 380 1/2' 975
400 KG08J 1550 925 355 620 550 503 16-Ф36 370 838 500 440 1/2' 1330
450 KG08J 1800 1025 520 670 600 548 20-Ф36 370 914 500 330 1/2' 1520
500 KG10J 2250 1220 620 730 660 609 20-Ф36 420 991 500 355 1/2' 1900
600 KG10J 2285 1256 640 845 770 720 20-Ф36 420 1143 500 370 1/2' 2168

4 Mpa

Nominal Diameter Operator A B C D D1 D2 n-Фd D3 f2 E F G H Weight (kg)
50 KG04J 726 400 153 165 125 99 4-Ф18 88 3 265 230 250 80 3/8' 49
65 KG04J 726 400 153 185 145 118 8-Ф18 110 3 265 283 250 80 3/8' 58
80 KG04J 726 400 153 200 160 132 8-Ф18 121 3 265 283 250 80 3/8' 75
100 KG05J 904 528 193 235 190 156 8-Ф22 150 3.5 265 305 400 115 1/2' 115
125 KG06J 933 538 206 270 220 184 8-Ф26 176 3.5 315 403 450 200 1/2' 180
150 KG06J 976 558 229 300 250 211 8-Ф26 204 3.5 315 403 450 200 1/2' 197
200 KG07J 1151 635 300 360 320 284 12-Ф30 260 3.5 315 419 450 280 1/2' 305
250 KG07J 1320 795 315 425 385 345 12-Ф33 313 3.5 315 457 450 330 1/2' 477
300 KG08J 1610 925 420 485 450 409 16-Ф33 364 3.5 370 502 450 405 1/2' 703
350 KG08J 1480 875 370 555 510 465 16-Ф36 422 4 370 762 500 380 1/2' 1035
400 KG08J 1550 925 355 620 585 535 16-Ф39 474 4 370 838 500 440 1/2' 1430
450 KG08J 1800 1025 520 670 610 560 20-Ф39 524 4 370 914 500 330 1/2' 1650
500 KG10J 2250 1220 620 730 670 615 20-Ф42 576 4 420 991 500 355 1/2' 2006
600 KG10J 2285 1256 640 845 795 735 20-Ф48 676 4 420 1143 500 355 1/2' 2250

6.4 Mpa

Nominal Diameter Operator A B C D D1 D2 n-Фd D3 f2 E F G H Weight (kg)
50 KG06J 721 399 150 175 135 105 4-Ф22 88 4 265 292 250 80 1/2' 95
65 KG06J 730 399 150 200 160 130 8-Ф22 110 4 265 330 250 80 1/2' 110
80 KG06J 755 405 178 210 170 140 8-Ф22 121 4 265 356 250 80 1/2' 120
100 KG06J 934 637 196 250 200 168 8-Ф24 150 4.5 265 432 400 115 1/2' 180
125 KG06J 1228 656 260 295 240 202 8-Ф30 176 4.5 315 508 450 200 1/2' 210
150 KG06J 1288 656 260 340 280 240 8-Ф33 204 4.5 315 559 450 200 1/2' 325
200 KG07J 1322 759 250 405 345 300 12-Ф33 260 4.5 315 660 450 280 1/2' 482
250 KG08J 1697 858 310 470 400 352 12-Ф39 313 4.5 315 787 450 330 1/2' 726
300 KG08J 1705 858 310 530 460 412 16-Ф39 364 4.5 370 838 450 405 1/2' 985
350 KG10J 2108 1193 495 595 525 475 16-Ф39 422 5 370 889 500 380 1/2' 1435
400 KG10J 2118 1193 495 670 585 525 16-Ф45 474 5 370 991 500 440 1/2' 1830

10 Mpa

Nominal Diameter Operator A B C D D1 D2 n-Фd D3 f2 E F G H Weight (kg)
50 KG06J 721 399 150 165 127 103 4-Ф20 93.7 5 265 292 250 80 1/2' 95
65 KG06J 730 399 150 190 149 116 8-Ф22 106.4 5 265 330 250 80 1/2' 110
80 KG06J 755 405 178 210 168.5 138 8-Ф22 128.6 5 265 356 250 80 1/2' 120
100 KG06J 934 637 196 275 216 168 8-Ф26 158.8 5 265 432 400 115 1/2' 80
125 KG06J 1228 656 260 330 267 197 8-Ф30 187.3 5 315 508 450 200 1/2' 210
150 KG06J 1288 656 260 355 292 227 8-Ф33 217.5 5 315 559 450 200 1/2' 325
200 KG07J 1322 759 250 420 349 281 12-Ф30 217.5 5 315 660 450 280 1/2' 482
250 KG08J 1697 858 310 510 432 335 12-Ф36 325.4 5 315 787 450 330 1/2' 726
300 KG08J 1705 858 310 560 489 392 20-Ф36 382.6 5 370 838 500 405 1/2' 985
350 KG10J 2108 1193 495 605 527 424 20-Ф39 414.3 5 370 889 500 380 1/2' 1435
400 KG10J 2118 1193 495 685 603 481 20-Ф42 471.5 5 370 991 500 440 1/2' 1830

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