
10.4-Inch Multi-Color LCD Radar

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10.4-Inch Multi-Color LCD Radar

10.4-Inch Multi-Color LCD Radar

10.4-Inch Multi-Color LCD Radar employs anti-clutter settings which can be adjusted manually to remove sea and rain clutter from the radar screen to gain a clearer view of radar targets, advance signal processing technology which pushes substantial increases in radar detection, and target tracking display assists the operator in tracking vessel movements. There are three available models: model 1835, model 1935, model 1945. This radar is a tremendous help for you.


▪ 10.4’’ multi-color LCD

▪ Reliable target tracking with zoom display function

▪ Improved the ability of anti-clutter

▪ Various colors of echoes

▪ High weather resistance





Screen Size: 10.4’’ color LCD

Pixel Number: 640×480, VGA

Effective Diameter: 158mm

Echo Colors: 32 levels

Display Modes: head-up*, course-up*, true view*, true motion*, *heading data required, **heading and position data required

Range Units: nm, sm, km

Minimum Range: 25m

Range Discrimination: 25m

Echo Trails

Type: true or relative trails

Tail Length: 15,30 sec.,1,3,6,15,30 min., or continuous trail

Trail Width: narrow, normal

Antenna Radiator


MODEL 1835 printed array

MODAL 1935/1945 slotted waveguide array

Length and Rotation Speed

MODEL 1835 radome 60cm (RSB-0071) 24 RPM

MODEL 1935 open 100cm (XN10A) 24 or 48 RPM

MODEL 1945 open 120cm (XN12A) 24 or 48 RPM

Wind Load for MODEL 1935/1945

24RPM 100 kn relative wind

48RPM 70 kn relative wind


ANT9210: Hor. 4.0°, Vert. 20°

XN10A: Hor. 2.4°, Vert. 22°

XN12A: Hor. 1.9°, Vert. 22°

RF Transceiver

Frequency: 9410±30MHz(X-band)



MODEL 1835/1935 4KW

MODEL 1945 6KW



AD-10 or IEC 6112 NMEA0183 Ver. 1.5/2.0/3.0


IEC6112 NMEA0183 Ver. 1.5/2.0/3.0



Antenna Unit: -25℃-+55℃ (-13°F-+131°F)

Display Unit: -5℃-+55℃ (5°F-+131°F)


Antenna Unit: IEC60529 IP26

Display Unit: IEC60529 IP55

Power supply

MODEL 1835

DC 12-24V, 4.1-2.0A

MODEL 1935

DC 12-24V, 6.8-3.8A for 24rpm

8.2-3.8A for 48rpm

MODEL 1945

DC 12-24V, 7.3-3.5A for 24rpm

8.8-4.1A for 48rpm

10.4-Inch Multi-Color LCD Radar

10.4-Inch Multi-Color LCD Radar

10.4-Inch Multi-Color LCD Radar

10.4-Inch Multi-Color LCD Radar

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